2018 QUBE Effect – Music Video & People’s Choice Award!

Hi guys! I’m really excited to share this live music video of my song “No Enemy Within” which was recorded as part of the 2018 QUBE Effect. I’m a finalist in this songwriting/emerging artist competition this year and in the running for some awards – one of which being the People’s Choice Award given to the act/video with the most votes.

To vote, follow these steps:
1. Follow the link in the description of the YouTube video or visit https://bne.cc/2qEoxOp
2. Click on my thumbnail on the list of entries
3. Put in your name & email… and that’s it!

Music certainly isn’t a competition and that’s not the reason I’m doing this but I’m really thankful for the opportunity to film the lead single from the album, to work with some amazing creatives, and to play with these incredible musicians and friends of mine.

This is a new path and a new sound for me – I hope you find some meaning in this song & I hope you enjoy the video! I’m so happy with how it turned out – the creative team involved have done a wonderful job of capturing the message of the song.

Sophie Min – piano
Tsoof Baras – drum kit, voice
Simon Svoboda – cello and
myself – voice, Saraz (E Minor) & Pi (G Minor)